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  • Apr

    Perbandingan Kinerja SBY – Jokowi

    Penasaran bagaimana perbandingan kinerja dua Presiden kita ini selama 6 bulan pertama kepemerintahannya?

    Silahkan langsung saja check this out!



    TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Kebijakan pemerintahan Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla menyediakan layanan publik menuai dukungan dari masyarakat.

    Publik menilai positif kinerja pemerintahan Jokowi-JK di bidang kesejahteraan sosial selama enam bulan terakhir.

    Ini terutama dalam menyediakan layanan pendidikan dan kesehatan.

    Ketika kondisi ekonomi sebuah pemerintahan dinilai tidak memuaskan, umumnya akan diikuti dengan naiknya ketidakpuasan publik pada kinerja bidang kesejahteraan sosial.

    Namun, ada perbedaan untuk enam bulan periode pemerintahan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla.

    Angka penilaian pada bulan keenam ini tidak berbanding lurus dengan penilaian kinerja pemerintah di bidang ekonomi yang melorot.

    Sebagaimana diulas pada tulisan evaluasi pemerintahan Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla bidang ekonomi (Kompas, 29/4), hanya 25,4 persen responden yang menyatakan puas terhadap kinerja pemerintah di bidang ekonomi.

    Hampir tiga perempat bagian responden menyatakan ketidakpuasannya.

    Namun, hasil survei tatap muka yang dilakukan Litbang Kompas, pertengahan April lalu, mencatat, rata-rata tingkat kepuasan publik terhadap kinerja pemerintah di bidang kesejahteraan sosial (kesos) justru mencapai 61,9 persen.

    Proporsi ini hampir sama dengan penilaian kinerja pemerintah pada triwulan pertama Januari 2015.

    Jika ditelusuri lebih lanjut, kinerja pemerintah di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan jadi penopang apresiasi positif oleh publik.

    Setidaknya dari dua kali survei, yaitu di era tiga bulan dan enam bulan pemerintahan, kedua bidang ini mendapatkan apresiasi yang relatif tinggi dengan rata-rata sebanyak 64 persen responden menyatakan puas pada kinerja pemerintah.

    Sejumlah indikator yang berdekatan, yakni pemenuhan kebutuhan pokok sebagai isu di bidang ekonomi serta pemenuhan kebutuhan sosial, seperti pendidikan dan kesehatan, boleh jadi memicu sentimen publik yang sama pada kedua bidang ini.

    Bedanya, isu ekonomi dipenuhi oleh sentimen negatif berupa kenaikan tarif dan harga kebutuhan.

    Sementara isu bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan justru sebaliknya, yaitu terjadi “penggratisan” oleh negara.

    Jika dibandingkan dengan pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, penilaian bidang kesos di enam bulan pertama pemerintahan Jokowi-Kalla lebih baik daripada pencapaian SBY-Kalla (2004-2009).

    Pada era SBY-Kalla, bidang kesos hanya diapresiasi 41,4 persen responden.


    Sumber: http://www.tribunnews.com/nasional/2015/04/30/inilah-perbandingan-kinerja-enam-bulan-pertama-pemerintahan-jokowi-vs-sby


    Nah sekian gan. CU.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Penelitian Sifat Dasar Manusia

    hai gan,. kali ini admin akan menyajikan suatu artikel ilmiah nih. Silahkan membaca.


    Penelitian: Manusia Bisa Menghilang

    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Ahli saraf di Karolinska Institute di Swedia, Arvid Guterstam memberikan orang ilusi bahwa seluruh tubuh mereka telah menghilang dari pandangan orang lain. Ilusi itu secara dramatis akan mengurangi kecemasan sosial orang tersebut.

    Seperti dilansir Huffingtonpost pada Senin (27/4), penelitian ini melibatkan 125 pria dan wanita yang diberikan headset virtual reality. Dalam headset itu, para peserta ditunjukkan video langsung dari sepasang kamera yang mengarah ke lantai. Ketika mereka melihat ke bawah, mereka melihat ruang kosong, di mana mereka berharap berada di sana.

    Kemudian, peneliti menusuk peserta dengan kuas besar, sementara tangannya yang lain menusuk tempat di ruang kosong. Hal itu dilakukan secara bersamaan terhadap kamera yang digunakan peserta dengan kamera kosong (seperti yang ada di foto). Beberapa waktu kemudian, peneliti hanya menusuk kuas di tempat kamera kosong. Hasilnya, peserta merasakan sensasi bahwa mereka ada di sana dalam keadaan tidak terlihat.

    “Dalam waktu kurang dari satu menit, mayoritas peserta mulai mentransfer sensasi sentuhan ke bagian ruang kosong di mana mereka melihat langkah kuas dan mengalami tubuh mereka ada di tempat yang kosong itu,” kata mahasiswa PhD di Institute dan penulis utama studi tersebut.

    Untuk membuktikan bahwa ilusi telah bekerja, peneliti menggantikan kuas dengan pisau. Mereka menemukan bahwa peserta berkeringat karena mereka merasa terancam oleh pisau itu, padahal mereka tidak berada di ruang itu.

    Penelitian ini sebenarnya ingin membuat orang yang deman panggung atau tidak nyaman dengan tekanan bisa mengendalikan dirinya agar tidak gugup.

    Tahap berikutnya adalah bagaimana menentukan peserta merasa tidak terlihat di depan umum. Para peneliti membuat peserta berdiri di depan banyak orang sambil mengukur detak jantung mereka dan bertanya bagaimana tekanan yang mereka rasakan. Setengah dari peserta merasakan tubuh mereka seperti dalam headset. “Apa yang terjadi? Tak terlihat,” kata Guterstam.

    Menurut penelitian, orang yang merasa tidak terlihat orang lain memiliki detak jantung yang lebih rendah dan tak terlalu cemas ketika melakukan sebuah kesalahan. “Memiliki tubuh tak terlihat tampaknya memiliki efek mengurangi stres ketika mengalami situasi yang menantang secara sosial,” kata Guterstam.

    Namun, hal ini akan berbahaya jika dilakukan untuk sesuatu yang jahat. Karena itu, para peneliti berencana untuk menggunakan pencitraan otak untuk mempelajari apa yang terjadi ketika ilusi ini terjadi. Ini untuk melihat apakah ilusi menembus batas ini akan mempengaruhi moral seseorang.

    Seperti diketahui, Plato pada tahun 360 Sebelum Masehi mempertanyakan apakah manusia adil secara bawaannya, atau bertindak secara moral sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuannya. Dalam sebuah kisah, seorang gembala bernama Gyges menemukan sebuah cincin yang akhinya membuatnya menghilang. Segera setelah itu, Gyges menyelinap ke Keraton Kerajaan, menggoda ratu, dan akhirnya pembunuhan raja.

    Dengan demikian, Plato menyimpulkan bahwa seseorang tidak akan berhenti melakukan apa pun, baik itu mencuri maupun membunuh, ketika dia merasa nyaman karena tidak diketahui oleh orang lain.


    REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Ahli saraf di Karolinska Institute di Swedia, Arvid Guterstam memberikan orang ilusi bahwa seluruh tubuh mereka telah menghilang dari pandangan orang lain. Ilusi itu secara dramatis akan mengurangi kecemasan sosial orang tersebut.

    Seperti dilansir Huffingtonpost pada Senin (27/4), penelitian ini melibatkan 125 pria dan wanita yang diberikan headset virtual reality. Dalam headset itu, para peserta ditunjukkan video langsung dari sepasang kamera yang mengarah ke lantai. Ketika mereka melihat ke bawah, mereka melihat ruang kosong, di mana mereka berharap berada di sana.

    Kemudian, peneliti menusuk peserta dengan kuas besar, sementara tangannya yang lain menusuk tempat di ruang kosong. Hal itu dilakukan secara bersamaan terhadap kamera yang digunakan peserta dengan kamera kosong (seperti yang ada di foto). Beberapa waktu kemudian, peneliti hanya menusuk kuas di tempat kamera kosong. Hasilnya, peserta merasakan sensasi bahwa mereka ada di sana dalam keadaan tidak terlihat.

    “Dalam waktu kurang dari satu menit, mayoritas peserta mulai mentransfer sensasi sentuhan ke bagian ruang kosong di mana mereka melihat langkah kuas dan mengalami tubuh mereka ada di tempat yang kosong itu,” kata mahasiswa PhD di Institute dan penulis utama studi tersebut.

    Untuk membuktikan bahwa ilusi telah bekerja, peneliti menggantikan kuas dengan pisau. Mereka menemukan bahwa peserta berkeringat karena mereka merasa terancam oleh pisau itu, padahal mereka tidak berada di ruang itu.

    Penelitian ini sebenarnya ingin membuat orang yang deman panggung atau tidak nyaman dengan tekanan bisa mengendalikan dirinya agar tidak gugup.

    Tahap berikutnya adalah bagaimana menentukan peserta merasa tidak terlihat di depan umum. Para peneliti membuat peserta berdiri di depan banyak orang sambil mengukur detak jantung mereka dan bertanya bagaimana tekanan yang mereka rasakan. Setengah dari peserta merasakan tubuh mereka seperti dalam headset. “Apa yang terjadi? Tak terlihat,” kata Guterstam.

    Menurut penelitian, orang yang merasa tidak terlihat orang lain memiliki detak jantung yang lebih rendah dan tak terlalu cemas ketika melakukan sebuah kesalahan. “Memiliki tubuh tak terlihat tampaknya memiliki efek mengurangi stres ketika mengalami situasi yang menantang secara sosial,” kata Guterstam.

    Namun, hal ini akan berbahaya jika dilakukan untuk sesuatu yang jahat. Karena itu, para peneliti berencana untuk menggunakan pencitraan otak untuk mempelajari apa yang terjadi ketika ilusi ini terjadi. Ini untuk melihat apakah ilusi menembus batas ini akan mempengaruhi moral seseorang.

    Seperti diketahui, Plato pada tahun 360 Sebelum Masehi mempertanyakan apakah manusia adil secara bawaannya, atau bertindak secara moral sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuannya. Dalam sebuah kisah, seorang gembala bernama Gyges menemukan sebuah cincin yang akhinya membuatnya menghilang. Segera setelah itu, Gyges menyelinap ke Keraton Kerajaan, menggoda ratu, dan akhirnya pembunuhan raja.

    Dengan demikian, Plato menyimpulkan bahwa seseorang tidak akan berhenti melakukan apa pun, baik itu mencuri maupun membunuh, ketika dia merasa nyaman karena tidak diketahui oleh orang lain.


    Sumber: http://internasional.republika.co.id/berita/internasional/global/15/04/28/nnhi78-penelitian-orang-bisa-menghilang


    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Smart Ways to Apply Jobs via Email

    nih buat teman-teman yang sedang galau buat cari kerja!



    Cara Cerdas Melamar Kerja Lewat Email

    JAKARTA – Di zaman canggih seperti sekarang, lamaran kerja bisa dikirimkan secara online melalui email. Dengan cara ini, proses melamar pekerjaan dapat memakan waktu yang lebih cepat dan efisien.

    Untuk dapat mengirimkan lamaran kerja dengan efektif melalui email, berikut beberapa hal yang harus kamu perhatikan, dikutip dari Tips Karir, Selasa (28/4/2015).

    1. Nama alamat email

    Kamu harus memperhatikan bahwa nama alamat email yang kamu miliki mudah dan singkat sehingga mudah diingat. Sebaiknya, gunakan nama kamu sendiri dalam membuat alamat email. Jangan menggunakan nama yang aneh-aneh sebab bisa membuatmu tampak tidak meyakinkan di mata perusahaan.

    2. Provider email

    Gunakan provider email yang umum digunakan oleh banyak orang. Penggunaan provider email yang jelas akan lebih dikenal dan tampak bonafide di mata perusahaan.

    3. Format file

    Pastikan bahwa file yang kamu kirimkan memiliki format .doc atau.rtf. Kamu juga harus meneliti kembali bahwa isi dari file yang kamu kirimkan sudah lengkap, mencakup data diri, curriculum vitae, dan foto. Berikan nama file-file tersebut menggunakan namamu.

    4. File tambahan

    Jika kamu memiliki postofolio atau sertifikat yang mendukung, kamu bisa turut sertakan ke dalam lamaran kerjamu tersebut. Namun, kamu harus memastikan file tersebut memiliki ukuran yang tidak terlalu besar agar mudah dibuka.

    5. File yang besar

    Tidak menutup kemungkinan jika kamu harus mengirimkan file yang cukup banyak dalam lamaran kerjamu. Oleh karena itu, kamu bisa menggunakan format .zip untuk menyatukan file-file tersebut. Jangan lupa beri nama yang jelas supaya data-datamu mudah dikenali.

    6. Berikan surat pengantar

    Setelah berkasmu lengkap, berilah surat pengantar berisi uraian singkat tentang alasanmu ingin bekerja di perusahaan tersebut. Dalam menguraikan hal tersebut, berikanlah alasan sewajarnya, jangan terlalu berlebihan.

    Selamat mencoba! (ira)


    Sumber: http://news.okezone.com/read/2015/04/27/65/1140619/cara-cerdas-melamar-kerja-lewat-email


    Sekian, trims.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Menggambar dengan Benar – Psikotes

    hai teman-teman, kali ini admin akan meng-share sesuatu yang rada beda lhoo dengan postingan sebelumnya.

    Penasaran? Ini dia!


    JAKARTA – Saat menjalani proses perekrutan di suatu perusahaan, kamu akan melalui tahap psikotes. Pada tahap tersebut, kamu sering diminta menggambarkan manusia. Tes ini biasa digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana rasa tanggung jawab, rasa percaya diri, dan ketahanan kamu dalam suatu pekerjaan.

    Nah, bagi kamu yang belum mengetahui cara menggambar manusia pada psikotes dengan benar, simak beberapa tips berikut, dikutip dari Tips Karir, Selasa (28/4/2015).

    1. Gambar sesuai dengan jenis kelamin

    Kamu harus menggambar manusia sesuai dengan jenis kelamin. Jika kamu perempuan maka gambarlah objek perempuan dan jika kamu laki-laki gambarlah objek laki-laki. Saat mulai menggambar, usahakan gambar tersebut tepat berada di tengah kertas agar simetris.

    2. Gambar dengan lengkap

    Jangan menggambar dalam bentuk kartun atau sketsa. Gambar yang kamu buat harus berbentuk manusia secara lengkap dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki. Kamu juga perlu memperlihatkan bagian-bagian tubuh, seperti mata, hidung, telinga, tangan, hingga jari.

    3. Profesi

    Jenis profesi objek yang kamu gambar harus jelas dari kelengkapan pakaian sampai aksesoris yang dikenakan. Selain itu, gambarkan ekspresi wajah bahagia atau tersenyum saat objek yang kamu gambar melakukan aktivitas.

    4. Gaya posisi objek

    Kamu bebas menggambarkan segala aktivitas objek, seperti duduk, berdiri, berbaring, hadap kanan, dan sebagainya. Pilihan-pilihan gaya tersebut bisa kamu sesuaikan dengan kemampuanmu dalam menggambar manusia. Pastikan objek yang kamu gambar sedang melakukan aktivitasnya sesuai dengan profesi yang kamu maksud.

    5. Perhatikan garis gambar

    Terdapat beberapa makna saat kamu memberikan tekanan pada gambar. Misalnya, jangan memberikan penekanan berlebihan pada wajah sebab akan menunjukkan bahwa anda orang yang tidak percaya diri. Kamu juga harus memperhatikan ukuran gambar. Jika kamu menggambarkan objek yang terlalu besar maka kamu termasuk orang yang dominan. Selain itu, usahakan agar kamu menggambar tangan dengan terbuka dan memperlihatkan detail jari tangan. (ira)

    Sumber: http://news.okezone.com/read/2015/04/27/65/1140715/menggambar-manusia-dengan-benar-saat-psikotes



    Nah sekian postingan kali ini. Terima kasih.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Kepribadian Berdasarkan Olahraga

    hai teman-teman. kali ini, admin punya sesuatu yang menarik nih untuk dishare ke teman-teman semua.

    langsung saja, check it out:


    TRIBUNJABAR.CO.ID. – Banyak yang mengatakan jangan menilai seseorang dari luarnya.

    Namun, dilansir Intisari-Online.com, penelitian baru mengatakan bahwa kita bisa menilai seseorang dari olahraga yang disukainya.

    Penelitian yang dilakukan British Heart Foundation membuktikan bahwa perenang merupakan kekasih terbaik.

    Mereka melakukan survey terhadap 2000 orang dewasa di seluruh Inggris dari bulan Februari hingga Maret 2015.

    “Sudah lama diketahui bahwa olahraga tidak hanya baik untuk tubuh, tapi juga untuk pikiran kita. Hasil dari studi ini membuktikan bahwa kepribadian kita sangat dipengaruhi oleh olahraga yang dipilih,” kata Dr. David Lewis, neuropsikologis.

    Selain membuktikan bahwa perenang merupakan kekasih terbaik,penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa pesepeda biasanya memiliki emosi yang stabil, pelari biasanya ekstrovert, dan pejalan cepat tidak terlalu materialistis.

    Jadi, bagaimana kita menilai kepribadian seseorang dari olahragayang disukainya?

    1. Perenang

    Kekasih yang bisa diandalkan

    Suka beramal


    Selalu ceria


    2. Pesepeda

    Kalem dan santai

    Jarang stres



    3. Pelari


    Senang jadi pusat perhatian

    Mendengarkan musik yang ceria


    4. Pejalan cepat

    Suka beramal

    Tidak suka menjadi pusat perhatian

    Tidak terlalu materialistis


    5. Yoga



    Masuk ke dalam kelompok materialistis


    6. Gym

    Sangat ekstrovert

    Emosi stabil

    Ingin selalu bahagia (*)


    Sumber: http://jabar.tribunnews.com/2015/04/19/olahraga-yang-disukai-bisa-menilai-kepribadian-seseorang



    Oke, sekian teman-teman. CU.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Bahaya Makan/Minum sambil Berdiri

    haii teman-teman, bertemu lagi dengan saya dalam blog pribadi saya.

    sudah siap dengan postingan baru saya ini? haha. topik masih sama nih gan, tentang kesehatan. penasaran? Check It Out Guys.


    TRIBUN-BALI.COM – Ketika menghadiri pesta kebun atau standing party, biasanya tamu-tamu makan dan minum sambil berdiri. Ternyata kebiasaan ini berbahaya lho. Mengapa?

    Apabila kita makan sambil berdiri, maka akan terjadi reflux asam lambung.

    Dengan kata lain, asam lambung akan naik ke saluran esofagus dan membuat sel-sel kerongkongan teriritasi.

    Iritasi sel kerongkongan ini dikarenakan pH asam lambung yang sangat asam (pH 1 – 2,5).

    Kadang ditandai dengan gejala panas terbakar yang menyesak di dada (disebut sebagai “heartburn”).

    Bila kita tetap bandel membiasakan makan atau minum sambil berdiri dalam jangka waktu panjang, iritasi sel-sel kerongkongan ini akan berakumulasi dan menyebabkan kanker saluran esofagus.

    Cara mencegah reflux asam lambung ini adalah dengan makan sambil duduk.

    Tak hanya makan minum sambil berdiri, ada 2 hal lain yang juga dapat menyebabkan reflux asam lambung dan “heartburn”, yaitu :

    1. Makan minum kekenyangan,

    2. Tidur atau berbaring setelah makan. (blogdokter)


    Sumber: http://bali.tribunnews.com/2015/04/22/ini-bahaya-makan-dan-minum-sambil-berdiri


    Nah, biasakan ya teman-teman, untuk dapat duduk tenang terlebih dahulu sebelum menyantap makanan anda, demi kesehatan teman-teman sendiri nih.

    Oke, sekian dulu ya teman-teman. Jumpa lagi.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    Bahaya Meniup Makanan/Minuman yang Panas

    haii agan-agan, kali ini ane ingin share lagi nih, tips kesehatan yang berupa fakta pantangan yang mungkin sering dilanggar agan-agan. Semoga dapat bermanfaat ya.


    TRIBUN-BALI.COM – Kebiasaan meniup makanan atau minuman yang masih panas untuk segera dikonsumsi ternyata membahayakan kesehatan. Mengapa?

    Perlu diketahui, manusia bernapas menghirup oksigen atau O2, dan menghembuskan karbondioksida atau CO2. Ketika kita meniup makanan, tentunya yang kita keluarkan adalah gas CO2. Sementara itu makanan panas tadi masih mengeluarkan uap air (H2O).

    Menurut reaksi kimia, apabila uap air bereaksi dengan karbondioksida akan membentuk senyawa asam karbonat (carbonic acid) yang bersifat asam.

    H2O + CO2 => H2CO3

    Perlu kita tahu bahwa di dalam darah itu terdapat H2CO3 yang berguna untuk mengatur pH (tingkat keasaman) di dalam darah.

    Darah adalah Buffer (larutan yang dapat mempertahankan pH) dengan asam lemahnya berupa H2CO3 dan dengan basa konjugasinya berupa HCO3- sehingga darah memiliki pH sebesar 7,35 – 7,45 dengan reaksi sebagai berikut:

    CO2 + H20 HCO3- + H+

    Tubuh menggunakan penyangga pH (buffer) dalam darah sebagai pelindung terhadap perubahan yang terjadi secara tiba-tiba dalam pH darah.

    Adanya kelainan pada mekanisme pengendalian pH tersebut, bisa menyebabkan salah satu dari 2 kelainan utama dalam keseimbangan asam basa, yaitu asidosis atau alkalosis.

    Apa Itu Asidosis dan Alkalosis?

    Asidosis dan Alkalosis:
    Asidosis adalah suatu keadaan di mana darah terlalu banyak mengandung asam (atau terlalu sedikit mengandung basa) dan sering menyebabkan menurunnya pH darah.

    Sistem Alkalosis:
    Sedangkan Alkalosis adalah suatu keadaan di mana darah terlalu banyak mengandung basa (atau terlalu sedikit mengandung asam) dan kadang menyebabkan meningkatnya pH darah.


    Sumber: http://bali.tribunnews.com/2015/04/22/ini-bahaya-meniup-makanan-dan-minuman-yang-panas



    Nah, demikian postingan saya gan. See you next time in another post. TQ.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    8 Cara Mandi Sehat dan Benar

    hai agan, ketemu lagi di blog pribadi saya.

    kali ini, saya mau share nih sesuatu yang simple, yang kita lakukan setiap hari, tetapi sayangnya kerap kali tidak kita lakukan dengan benar.

    nah, langsung saja, ini artikelnya:


    Membersihkan tubuh dan rambut merupakan ritual yang mungkin tidak Anda lewatkan saat mandi. Namun, seberapa bersihkah tubuh Anda usai mandi?

    Cara kita mandi biasanya adalah kebiasaan yang sudah diajarkan orangtua sejak kecil. Tapi, mungkin Anda pernah berpikir apakah cara mandi yang selama ini dilakukan sudah tepat atau belum.

    Ahli kulit mengungkap kesalahan paling umum saat mandi yang bisa jadi tidak kita sadari. Berikut cara cerdas untuk mandi yang lebih bersih dan sehat.

    1. Menggosok kulit kepala dengan kuku jari
    Menggosok kulit kepala dapat terasa menyegarkan, tetapi sebenarnya Anda justru merusaknya jika menggunakan kuku jari.

    “Kuku jari dapat menggores kulit kepala, hingga mengelupas,” kata Sandy Johnson, ahli kulit. Karenanya, gunakan ujung jari Anda hingga sampo berbuih. Penting juga untuk menghindari cara menggosok yang terlalu agresif helai rambut di antara tangan Anda, karena dapat merusaknya dan menyebabkan ujung rambut bercabang.

    2. Sabun tidak mengandung pelembab
    “Sabun batangan tanpa pelembab, seperti sabun antibau dan antibakteri, benar-benar dapat mengeringkan kulit Anda,” ujar Mona Gohara, ahli kulit. Ia menyarankan agar mencari sabun batangan yang mengandung ‘stearic acid’ dalam daftar bahannya atau kalimat ‘melembabkan’ yang tercantum pada bungkusnya.

    3. Mandi dengan air terlalu panas dan terlalu lama
    Mandi dengan air panas dapat mengikis minyak alami kulit dan lemak yang membantu menangkap air untuk menjaganya tetap lembab.

    4. Malas pakai conditioner
    Kebanyakan orang lebih fokus mengusap conditioner di helai rambut mereka. Namun Johnson menyarankan untuk memakai conditioner pada seluruh bagian rambut, dari akar hingga ujung. Conditioner dapat menghidrasi kulit kepala, sehingga mampu mencegah rasa gatal dan pengelupasan.

    5. Menggosok tubuh dengan keras
    Karena ingin menyingkirkan debu dan kotoran dari kulit, banyak orang yang terbiasa mandi dengan spons mandi. Padahal, permukaan yang kasar bisa menghilangkan pelindung alami kulit.

    Pilihlah lap mandi berbahan katun untuk bayi, yang diusapkan secara lembut dengan meminimalkan gosokan pada tubuh. Namun, menurut Johnson menggunakan tangan sendiri saja cukup. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan lap atau spons mandi, gantilah dengan yang baru secara rutin untuk menghindari perkembangan bakteri.

    6. Alat pencukur memiliki silet terlalu banyak
    Empat atau lima silet bisa mencukur lebih banyak, tetapi bisa juga merusak kulit Anda. “Anda sebenarnya memotong kulit Anda ketika bercukur, jadi makin banyak silet yang Anda gunakan, semakin buruk dampaknya bagi kulit,” ungkap Gohara.

    Untuk meminimalisasi trauma, satu atau dua silet pada alat pencukur sudah ideal. Teknik penggunaannya juga berpengaruh. Gerakkan ke arah bawah lalu menjauh, bukan ke atas. Mencukur ke arah atas berarti bergerak melawan urat, yang justru berpotensi melukai. Cara ini juga dapat membuat folikel rambut meradang, sehingga dapat menyebabkan alat cukur bergoyang. Pastikan area tersebut sudah cukup dilubrikasi dengan sabun atau krim khusus untuk proses mencukur yang paling lembut dan aman.

    7. Tidak membilas dengan baik
    Penting untuk memastikan seluruh sabun dan produk rambut telah terbilas total. Produk yang tersisa dapat berujung pada iritasi kulit dan penyumbatan pori-pori, sehingga menimbulkan jerawat.

    Cegah jerawat pada punggung dengan membilas rambut secara terbalik (kepala menunduk dan rambut dikedepankan), membuat sampo dan conditioner langsung terbuang ke lantai, bukan ke punggung Anda,” jelas Johnson.

    8. Menunggu untuk mengoleskan lotion
    Waktu terbaik untuk mengoleskan lotion yaitu sesegera mungkin setelah mengeringkan tubuh, ketika tubuh masih lembab. Lotion menyerap ke dalam kulit secara maksimal ketika kulit sedikit lembab. (Purwandini Sakti Pratiwi).


    Sumber: http://lampung.tribunnews.com/2015/04/19/sudah-sehatkan-cara-mandi-anda-8-kebiasaan-yang-salah-saat-mandi


    Nah, sekian postingan dari saya kali ini. Sampai jumpa dipostingan berikutnya yaa.

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    The History of Manchester Derby

    The Manchester derby refers to football matches between Manchester City and Manchester United, first contested in 1881. City play at the City of Manchester Stadium and United at Old Trafford.


    Map of Manchester showing the current and former home grounds of the clubs.
    City: Hyde Road (1887–1923), Maine Road (1923–2003), City of Manchester (2003–present).
    United: North Road (1878–1893), Bank Street (1893–1910), Old Trafford (1910–present)

    The first meeting between the two teams occurred on 12 November 1881, when West Gorton (St. Marks) – who would later become Manchester City F.C. – hosted Newton Heath – who would later become Manchester United F.C.. The game finished 3–0 in favour of the Heathens (United), and was described by the Ashton Reporter as “a pleasant game”.[1] At this time, the clubs were just two of many fledgling sides in the Manchester area, and the fixture had no special significance. Both clubs grew in stature as the 1880s progressed, leading to their first meeting of the 1890s being billed as “a meeting of two local clubs, [Ardwick (City)] just rising to the highest standard in the football world whilst [Newton Heath] are nearly in the front rank”.[2] The pair became the dominant teams in the Manchester area; the winner of the Manchester Cup was either Newton Heath or Ardwick every year between 1888 and 1893. Both teams joined the Football Alliance, a short-lived rival to the Football League. During this period both clubs made unsuccessful attempts to gain election to the League (Newton Heath in 1889, 1890 and 1891; Ardwick in 1891). Admission to the Football League finally came in 1892. Newton Heath joined the First Division, and Ardwick the new Second Division.[3]

    Early years

    The first Football League meeting between the teams came in the 1894–95 season, Newton Heath beating Manchester City 5–2 at Hyde Road. The first meeting between the clubs to take place at the highest level of English football occurred in December 1906, a 3–0 City win in a First Division match for which the gate receipts exceeded £1,000, a very large figure for the era.[4] At this time City were suffering the after-effects of a financial scandal in which the club were found guilty of making off-balance sheet payments to players. As a result seventeen players were suspended and banned from ever representing the club again,[5] including the core of the team which had won the 1904 FA Cup. When the suspensions ended in January 1907, four players (Jimmy Bannister, Herbert Burgess, Billy Meredith and Sandy Turnbull) joined United, where they helped United gain their first league title in 1908. In contrast to modern antipathy, the transfers were generally welcomed for helping a fellow Manchester club.[6] The following season Turnbull became the first player to be sent off in a derby.[7]

    Before the Second World War, many football supporters in Manchester watched City one week and United the next. After the war, a stronger rivalry developed and following both teams became uncommon.


    The first floodlit Manchester derby was played on 26 February 1889 at the Belle Vue Athletic Ground. Wells electric lights were placed around the ground and a crowd of 10,000 watched Newton Heath defeat Ardwick 3–2. The match was played in aid of the Hyde Coal Mine disaster.[8]

    The first competitive floodlit derby was the Charity Shield match played in October 1956.[9] The game was a break with tradition as Charity Shield games were typically played at the home ground of the League Champions, but as Old Trafford had yet to install lights, the game was played at Maine Road.

    The 1970s

    Manchester derbies in the 1970s were frequently bad tempered. In the December 1970 derby, a tackle by George Best broke the leg of Glyn Pardoe; the severity of the injury almost resulted in the City defender losing his leg.[10] The following season, an entertaining 3–3 draw saw Francis Lee accuse George Best of diving and emphasised the point to the referee by throwing himself theatrically to the floor. The first derby of the 1973–74 season saw Mike Doyle and Lou Macari each receive a red card in a dour contest which finished 0–0 at Maine Road. Both players refused to leave the pitch, leading the referee to take both teams back to the dressing room until the two players accepted their dismissals.[11]

    The Denis Law game

    The return fixture came at Old Trafford on the penultimate day of the season (United still had an away game to play at Stoke) with United trying to avoid relegation with a win, although they were also relying on Norwich beating Birmingham that day for their result to matter. After 80 minutes, with no score, Francis Lee played the ball towards former United player Denis Law who was standing with his back to goal. Law back-heeled the ball past goalkeeper Alex Stepney into the net. Law was immediately substituted and never played league football again. In the closing minutes of the match, United supporters invaded the pitch and forced an abandonment. However, the result stood, and other results meant that United would have still been relegated if the match had ended in a United win or a draw.

    Law then retired from playing and United returned to the First Division the next season.

    The 1980s

    The 1980s began with a 2–2 draw at Old Trafford between the two sides on 27 September 1980. It was the beginning of a relatively frustrating season in the league for United, while City dismissed manager Malcolm Allison soon afterwards and improved in the league under his successor John Bond, also reaching the FA Cup Final.[12]

    By 1982–83, however, any suggestions that City were a better side than United were silenced as United finished third in the league and won the FA Cup, while City were relegated. The Old Trafford derby on 23 October 1982 ended in a 2–2 draw, but United won the return game at Maine Road 2–1 on 5 March 1983.[13]

    City regained their First Division status for the 1985–86 season, and hosted United at Maine Road on 14 September 1985. United won this game 3–0, to extend their winning start to the league season to eight games. They would go onto win all of their opening 10 games and lead the First Division table into the new year, but eventually finished fourth. Although City finished low in the league this season, they did come to Old Trafford on 22 March 1986 and hold the hosts to a 2–2 draw, costing them two vital points as their title hopes continued to fade.[14]

    1986–87 brought relegation for City, while United finished 11th in a season which saw them replace Ron Atkinson with Alex Ferguson as manager on 6 November 1986. One of Atkinson’s last games in charge of United was the visit to Maine Road in the league on 25 October, which ended in a 1–1 draw. Alex Ferguson first faced City as United manager on 10 January 1987 in the third round of the FA Cup, which United won 1–0. The league clash at Old Trafford came on 7 March 1987, which United won 2–0 to continue their improvement in form under Ferguson and push City closer to eventual relegation.[15]

    The 1980s ended on a high note for City as they won promotion back to the First Division in 1989 and were paired with United for the derby match at Maine Road on 23 September 1989, just weeks into the 1989–90 season. City defeated United 5–1, but this would be their last win over United for 13 years.[16]

    The 1990s

    Peter Schmeichel, who played for both United and City, can claim an unbeaten record in derby games – United were unbeaten during his eight years at Old Trafford, while in his single season at Maine Road, City beat United at home and picked up a point at Old Trafford.

    However, in the 1990s, United dominated the fixture, going unbeaten in derbies for the full decade. In 1990–91, with both Manchester clubs competing in the top half of the table but not looking like real title contenders, the Maine Road clash in October delivered a pulsating 3–3 draw, but the return match at Old Trafford in early May saw United win 1–0 and the only goal of the game came from 17-year-old winger Ryan Giggs, scoring for the first time in his career. The 1991–92 derbies were uneventful – a goalless draw at Maine Road in mid-November and a 1–1 draw at Old Trafford in early April.

    The first Manchester derby following the creation of the Premier League for the 1992–93 season was a 2–1 win for United at Old Trafford on 6 December 1992. Making his United debut on that day was new signing Eric Cantona, who would go on to score eight goals in Manchester derbies over the next four seasons – the first in the return match at Maine Road that March which ended in a 1–1 draw. 1993–94 saw one of the finest Manchester derbies ever, when United overturned a 2–0 deficit at Maine Road to win 3–2, with Eric Cantona scoring twice. Cantona scored a double on St George’s Day as United won 2–0 at Old Trafford. Cantona was on target again in the next Manchester derby in November 1994, though it was Andrei Kanchelskis who stole the show with a hat-trick in a 5–0 win. United won the return game 3–0 at Maine Road three months later. 1995–96 was the last season of the millennium which brought a Manchester derby, as City were relegated at the end of the season. The first derby of the season came at Old Trafford in mid-October with a 1–0 win for United in which Paul Scholes, still only 20, scored the only goal of the game and only a string of superb saves from United goalkeeper Peter Schmeichel prevented City from gaining a surprise win. The return game in early April saw United win 3–2 at Maine Road, with yet another goal from Cantona, who had netted a highly controversial penalty after Uwe Rosler had put City 1–0 FA Cup fifth round two months earlier, which United went onto win 2–1.

    The 2000s

    Three years later, in the first Old Trafford derby of the new millennium in April 2001, saw the culmination of a long standing feud between Roy Keane and Alf-Inge Håland, which Keane received a red card for making a knee-high tackle on Håland. The feud started in 1998, when United captain Keane suffered a cruciate ligament injury when clean through on goal, being chased down by Håland (then playing for Leeds, a team that also have an unpleasant rivalry with United). As Keane lay on the ground, Håland accused him of feigning injury. The game ended in a 1–1 draw; United were already league champions and City’s two dropped points brought them closer to eventual relegation, which was confirmed in the penultimate game of the season. It was the first time in nine years that City had come away from Old Trafford unbeaten, and the first time in eight years that they had been unbeaten by United home or away in any competition.

    In his autobiography, published in 2002, Keane admitted that the challenge was a premeditated attempt to injure, an admission which resulted in a £150,000 fine and a five-match ban during the autumn of that year.

    Commemorative scarves given out for the 50th anniversary of the Munich air disaster which coincided with the Manchester Derby in February 2008. Blue scarves were also given to Manchester City supporters

    On 9 November 2002, City, managed by Kevin Keegan, won the last ever derby at Maine Road 3–1, with Shaun Goater scoring his 100th and 101st goals for the club, and Nicolas Anelka scoring the other. This was City’s first win over United since the 5–1 victory in 1989, ending a 13-year barren run for the blue half of Manchester. City would later go on to draw at Old Trafford in the same season 1–1, Shaun Goater again scoring the goal. This was the first season since 1991–92 that City had been unbeaten by United in either of their league meetings.

    Goater also had a second goal disallowed for handball, which would have handed City their first derby double over United since 1970 and their first win at Old Trafford since the “Denis Law game” of 1974. City followed this up by winning the first ever derby match at their new stadium, the City of Manchester Stadium, 4–1, with goals from Robbie Fowler, Jon Macken, Trevor Sinclair and Shaun Wright-Phillips.

    The 2007–08 derby games were both won by Manchester City, 1–0 at the City of Manchester Stadium on 19 August 2007, and 2–1 at Old Trafford on 10 February 2008 (four days after the 50th anniversary of the Munich air disaster; a well-observed one minute silence preceded the match). Darius Vassell and Benjani Mwaruwari scored for City in the 24th and 45th minutes respectively, and Michael Carrick scored a consolation goal for United in the 90th minute. It was the first time since April 1974 that City had beaten United in the league at Old Trafford and the first time they had won both league derby games since the 1969–70 season. United prevented City from winning a third consecutive derby match in the first derby of the 2008–09 season, Wayne Rooney scoring the game’s only goal. Cristiano Ronaldo was sent off in the same game for a bizarre handball. Ronaldo and Carlos Tevez then scored in the return match at Old Trafford to give United a 2–0 win.

    2010 onwards

    Wembley pictured before the 2010–11 Semi-final – only the second FA Cup semi-final between both clubs and the first ever meeting at Wembley (new or old).

    The seasons following City’s big money takeover, in 2008–09, saw two well-contested semi-final fixtures (League Cup and FA Cup) between the clubs. Controversy was generated prior to the start of the 2009–10 season, when City signed Carlos Tevez after his contract with United ended, and erected a billboard reading “Welcome to Manchester” at the top of Deansgate. The billboard provoked Alex Ferguson into claiming City were a “small club with a small mentality”[17] and subsequently called them “noisy neighbours”[18] during the season.

    The 2009–10 season featured some tense matches, including two League Cup semi-final legs. Alex Ferguson proclaimed the 2009–10 Manchester derby at Old Trafford as “probably […] the best derby of all time”.[19] Manchester United won this game 4–3 after Manchester City had equalised three times only for Michael Owen to score the winning goal after 95 minutes.[20] The match was voted the greatest Premier League game at the Premier League 20 Seasons Awards in 2012.[21] The sides were drawn against each other in the League Cup semi-finals, meaning a further two games. City won the first leg 2–1 after overturning a 1–0 deficit made by Ryan Giggs with goals from Carlos Tevez. United went 2–0 up in the second leg via Paul Scholes and Michael Carrick before Tevez made it 2–1, levelling the tie and setting the game up for extra time. However, Rooney scored a stoppage time header which won the tie for United and took them to their second consecutive League Cup final. On 17 April 2010, United beat City 1–0 thanks to a 90th minute Scholes goal, but the victory was to little avail as it was not enough to help United chase Chelsea down to win the Premier League title, pipping United by a point.

    The 2010–11 season featured three Manchester derbies, with one victory for United, one draw and one victory for City. The victory for United was at Old Trafford, where Wayne Rooney defined the game through a spectacular bicycle kick, this game gave United some space to overcome the rest of the season and get their 19th league title. City’s win came in the FA Cup semi-final, knocking United out on the way to their ninth FA Cup Final, and their first trophy since 1976. Consequently the Community Shield that began the 2011–12 season was a Manchester derby, as United won the league the same day City won the FA Cup, 14 May. United won the Community Shield 3–2 at Wembley, coming from two goals behind to clinch the Shield in stoppage time.

    On 23 October 2011, Manchester City beat United 6–1 at Old Trafford, giving the latter their first defeat of the season. Jonny Evans was sent off in the 47th minute after fouling Mario Balotelli, with the score at 1–0 to City. United pulled a goal back at 3–0 down before three goals for City sealed their victory. The 6–1 score was the biggest defeat suffered by Manchester United against City at Old Trafford since the 5–0 loss in 1955. It was also the first time since 1926 that City had scored six at Old Trafford, when the score that day also finished 6–1.

    United and City met for the second time in the season in the third round of the FA Cup, resulting in a 3–2 win for United. The scoring opened in the tenth minute as Wayne Rooney headed neatly past stand-in keeper Costel Pantilimon, before Vincent Kompany received a red card in the 12th minute for a challenge on Nani. United went 3–0 up by half time, and successfully battled off a second half comeback from City in which they scored twice. The game was notable for the re-emergence of Paul Scholes, who came out of retirement and replaced Nani in the 59th minute.

    City beat United 1–0 at the City of Manchester Stadium on 30 April 2012 with Vincent Kompany scoring a header just before the half time whistle.[22] There was also a spat between City boss Roberto Mancini and Alex Ferguson after a challenge on Danny Welbeck by Nigel de Jong. Ferguson claimed that Mancini harangued the fourth official Mike Jones throughout the match, while Mancini laughed off the incident, sarcastically claiming Ferguson never talks to, or harangues the referee – [23] an offence Ferguson has been found guilty of on numerous occasions, most recently in 2011 for which he received a five-match ban.[24] Consequently, the win put City top of the league on goal difference after being 8 points behind in the league in March.[25] Only two wins against Newcastle United and Queens Park Rangers were required for City to win the league, which they subsequently achieved. City ultimately won the last six league matches to clinch the league title on goal difference – the first time it was decided this way since 1989 and repeated the 1967–68 league season where Manchester City beat Manchester United to the title.

    The first Manchester Derby of the 2012–13 season was won by Manchester United in the dying minutes of the game. United went ahead with two early goals from Wayne Rooney, before City came back and levelled the match with goals from Yaya Touré and the equaliser from Pablo Zabaleta in the 86th minute. Robin van Persie scored from a free kick that took a deflection off of Samir Nasri in the 92nd minute, to seal the win and three points in the league. Manchester United’s victory ended Manchester City’s run of being unbeaten in 37 games.[26] During the celebrations following the late winner by Robin van Persie, Rio Ferdinand was hit by a coin thrown by a fan, causing Ferdinand to suffer an injury near his left eye. Another fan invaded the pitch and attempted to confront Ferdinand, only to be restrained by Joe Hart. City won the second derby of the season at Old Trafford, the first time they had won two away derbies in a row since the 1970s.[citation needed]

    The first Manchester Derby of the 2013–14 season was won by City 4–1 at the City of Manchester Stadium on 22 September 2013. Sergio Agüero opened the scoring on the 16th minute followed by a goal from Yaya Touré just before half time. In the second half Agüero scored his second followed by a Samir Nasri goal three minutes later. Wayne Rooney scored a late free kick for United as a consolation goal. It was the first time in twenty-six years that the Derby had been contested by two new managers: Manuel Pellegrini for Manchester City and David Moyes for Manchester United. Manchester City went on to do the double over United with a third consecutive win at Old Trafford on 25 March 2014, and won the Premier League for the second time in three seasons.


    As of 12 April 2015, there have been 169 competitive meetings between the teams. United have won 70 and City 49, the remaining 50 games finishing as draws.

    The biggest victories have been to City who have won 6–1 on two occasions in the official league (both times in the away fixture at Old Trafford) on 23 January 1926 and 23 October 2011. But on 14 April 1941 during a war league derby match at Maine Rd, United beat City 7–1,[27] which remains the biggest victory between the two sides overall, this result has been omitted as the official league was suspended but the derby still continued. Both teams have won 5–0 once (City in 1955, United in 1994). The largest attendance for a Manchester derby was 78,000 on 20 September 1947,[27] a time when both clubs were playing at Maine Road, as Old Trafford was being repaired following damage sustained in the Second World War.

    Manchester City and Manchester United league positions from 1893 to present
    Competition City wins Draws United wins
    League 43 49 60
    FA Cup 3 0 6
    League Cup 3 1 2
    Community Shield 0 0 2
    Total 49 50 70

    Top goalscorers[28]

    Player Club Goals
    England Wayne Rooney Manchester United 11
    England Joe Hayes Manchester City 10
    England Francis Lee Manchester City 10
    England Bobby Charlton Manchester United 9
    England Colin Bell Manchester City 8
    France Eric Cantona Manchester United 8
    England Brian Kidd Manchester United
    Manchester City
    England Joe Spence Manchester United 8
    England Paul Scholes Manchester United 7
    England Dennis Viollet Manchester United 7

    all statistics exclude the abandoned match from the 1960–61 season


    City won their first honour in 1904 with victory in the FA Cup and United in 1908 with the Football League First Division title. There have been three occasions where City and United, finished champions and runners-up in the league, the 1967–68, 2011–12, 2012–13 seasons. On the first two occasions City pipped United to the title in the last game of the season, with both teams going into their final games level on points. The latest occasion United finished 11 points clear to clinch their 20th title. Three semi-finals (two in the FA Cup and one in the Football League Cup) have been played between both clubs, but a Manchester Derby tournament final to decide the victors has never occurred.

    Table correct as of 12 May 2014
    Team League FA Cup League Cup Community Shield European Cup UEFA Cup Cup Winners’ Cup European Super Cup Intercontinental Cup Club World Cup Total
    Manchester City 4 5 3 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 17
    Manchester United 20 11 4 20 3 0 1 1 1 1 62
    Combined 24 16 7 24 3 0 2 1 1 1 79

    (Charity/Community Shields includes shared honours after a drawn match, as per competition regulations prior to 1993)[29]
    Manchester United = 16 outright, 4 shared

    Non-competitive derbies

    A large number of non-competitive Manchester derbies have taken place. The majority of these occurred during the Second World War, when a total of 44 matches were played between the teams. In recent years, non-competitive matches between the teams have generally been testimonials, such as those for Paul Lake and Denis Irwin. In 1978, for Colin Bell‘s testimonial, players from City and United lined up side by side against a combined Liverpool and Everton team in a Manchester v Merseyside fixture.

    Matches between non-first team sides representing the Manchester clubs also have an element of rivalry, with occasions when the reserve teams meet sometimes referred to as “mini-derbies”. This term is also used in reference to when supporters’ offshoot clubs (Maine Road F.C. and F.C. United of Manchester) meet. The two clubs have met twice, in the 2006–07 season, with FC United winning the inaugural match 2–1 away at Bower Fold, Stalybridge, in front of 3,181 spectators.[31] United also won the second game 3–0 at Gigg Lane, Bury in a game watched by 3,605.[32] A friendly in 2009 saw Maine Road win 2–1.

    Sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_derby

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

    The Latest Derby of Manchester

    Hallo agan-agan!

    Akhirnya nih, setelah kekalahan 4x beruntun dalam Derby paling seru: The Derby of Manchester.

    Akhirnya, Manchester United Football Club mematahkan tren buruk itu, sekaligus revenge manis terhadap “si tetangga berisik” nya Manchester City Football Club. Kemenangan yang fantastis dan sekaligus mengkokohkan posisi 3 MUFC di klasemen, tepat diatas MCFC di peringkat keempat. MANCHESTER IS RED man!!!

    Score akhir-nya adalah 4-2 untuk kemenangan MUFC. Dilaga 12 April 2015 ini, dikandang sendiri The Old Trafford, MUFC sempat tertinggal terlebih dahulu lewat gol Aguero dimenit ke-8. Tapi, spirit MUFC begitu luarbiasa! 6 menit kemudian, Ashley Young membalas untuk levelling the score. Young kembali menjadi pahlawan dengan assist nya kepada Fellaini, yang berhasil diselesaikan dengan baik oleh si Belgian dengan heading mautnya. 2-1 !

    Babak kedua, MUFC kembali trengginas dan even stronger! Juan Mata dan Chris Smalling memperbesar keunggulan 4-1 !!! Terlihat sepertinya score bakal terus bertambah, tetapi permainan telah agak cooling down di menit 80-an keatas. Hingga akhirnya, Aguero kembali membobol gawang MUFC, mengubah score 4-2 , yah sebuah gol hiburan saja bukan? haha. The man of the match nya, siapa lagi kalau bukan: Ashley Young (1goal, 2assists).

    Yah, singkat kata, the latest derby ini,begitu mengagumkan, baik the pace of game nya maupun aspek lainnya. Luarbiasa banget deh! Salute for MUFC !!! The Red Devils Evolution FINISH!

    For more informations:

    ***   http://www1.skysports.com/football/live/match/313699/report

    http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2428143-manchester-united-vs-manchester-city-louis-van-gaal-manuel-pellegrini-quotes   ***

    Oke deh, sekalian kali ini agan-agan! Jumpa lagi yo, di thread selanjutnya!

    Yang selanjutnya, ane akan menshare sejarah dan kronologi The Derby of Manchester deh untuk teman-teman semua! OKe, TQ!

    Written by henri.widiyanto in: Uncategorized |

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